Friday, January 8, 2010

How do you know you have herpes, what if is just a pimple???down there?

herpes turn into open sores and ooze a little bit, where a pimple will just pop once and will only be a little bit painful. herpes is very painful, and it depends on the extent of the outbreak youre having. if you have more than one sore, it can make it very painful to urinate or to sit down. there are other symptoms of genital herpes, such as sore lymph nodes and fatigue. try reading info on the is very informative. and if there is even the slightest chance you have it you should go to either your doctor, or planned parenthood. its really important that you go while the sore is open because if its started to heal, they cant test it and you wont be able to get an accurate positive or negative unless you have another outbreak. blood tests are not as accurate as culture tests of the sores.|||Talk to your doctor.|||The signs and symptoms associated with HSV-2 can vary greatly. Health care providers can diagnose genital herpes by visual inspection if the outbreak is typical, and by taking a sample from the sore(s) and testing it in a laboratory. HSV infections can be difficult to diagnose between outbreaks. Blood tests, which detect HSV-1 or HSV-2 infection, may be helpful, although the results are not always clear-cut.|||herpes are blisters like spots which are painful and weep allowing the herpes to spread, Pimples are quite different in appearance ,herpes also takes longer to heal up then a pimple doe,s , if you are unsure what these spots are stay clear from sexual intercourse, till you have seen a doctor and got the all clear

good luck|||Pimples occur on your face and on your back or chest

It is very very uncommon down there|||oh come on you should be asking your doctor this not us isnt less embarassing for ur dr to know than the millions of people who read this???|||Its just like when you get them on your lips, they hurt like hell, they fester, they get hot, and they take a damn long time to go away. Difference between herpes and pimples, pimples go away and wont spread to others.|||Herpes are just cold sores ....down there , basically. Im told you can feel them coming on and that they may itch alot and be painful. You may also have a fever. If you think you have any kind of STD you NEED to call you Dr and schedulae an apt FAST. Seriously . If youve never had a problem before and all the sudden you do get it checked out if it is herpes they will give you medicine to reduce the irritation and length of it. If you get the first outbreak treated future outbreaks will be less severe and shorter. Remember if you do have them always tell your partner and use protection this is a lifetime virus.

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