Monday, April 26, 2010

Are you still young enough to have a little spot. pimple?

Ive just found one and Im squeezing it , should really leave it alone.|||I%26#039;m 44 and in May while I was on holiday I had a real beamer. I was covering it with concealer every day. I call it a beamer cos it was like a huge headlight,[ how embarrassing], and on holiday too. Yes us at 44 get them and yes you should leave it alone.

TIP; put toothpaste on it when you go to bed and it should soon dissappear.

Good Luck.|||Yes, you should. First ,you are never too old to get pimples and second, you never, ever pop, pick or squeeze them.

**It spreads the bacteria further on your face;

**It makes the pimple much worse so it takes much longer for it to heal;

**It will leave a permanent scar.|||every says not to touch em but what you rather, walking round with a yellow puss filled thing, usually at the centre of your forhead, or just a little bump, squeeze it i say and wash it with some dettol or summin|||I never ever had one. Really it%26#039;s true.|||you shouldnt squeeze it with your bare hands...if its ready to be popped you should get 2 q-tips and squeeze it until it bleeds...or you can use a hot rag and pat your face...and help pimples that arent ready to will help them go down and not get as big|||believe it or not yes|||Squeeeeeeeeeeze it I love doing that lol lucky you hehehehehe|||Yes because I%26#039;m only 15 going on 16.

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