Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to make a pimple go away fast?

Ok so tonights the big night were i meet all my freinds i havent seen in forever but i got a HUGE pimple on my nose!!

how do i make it go way quick?!?!?!

~thanks!|||How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

Have you ever find that you get more pimples on your face when u are facing a stressful period? You are not alone. Studies had been conducted on students during their examination periods and found that students got more pimples outbreak during those stressful period. Stress does cause pimples. One basic way to reduce pimple outbreak is relax yourself more.

Picking your pimples is a bad habit. Your hands are not as clean as you think they are. Squeezing your pimples will not make then go away. Your hands are full of bacteria. Frequent squeezing will only cause your skin to be inflammed and infected, this might cause your pimples lesions to be permanently scarred. Infection might also cause you to have more pimple outbreak.|||Plain white toothpaste dries pimples really quickly. If you%26#039;re female, apply the toothpaste and cover with well blended foundation. ( Or if you%26#039;re male come to that!)|||If it%26#039;s a white head I always just pop it with a clean needle then sqeeze out the inside stuff and clean up with toilet paper then put cream on it :)

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