Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How can i get rid of a pimple?

its huge red and on my cheek and it wont pop and i dont want to go to school like this|||I%26#039;ve always had good luck with toothpaste|||I have had the same thing a lot of times, all you have to do is get some normal rubbing alcohol and put it on a little part of some toilet paper. Then push the toilet paper with the alcohol against the pimple for like 30 minutes... watch some tv or something. Then wash it off and let it sit until like 3 hours. It should have dried out the puss inside so now you can pop it. Use some Ice too to remove the redness and swoleness.|||Don%26#039;t pop it..Put some zinc oxide on it until it comes to a;s always worked for me.|||That sounds like a cystic pimple, so it probably won%26#039;t pop, so don%26#039;t squeeze it anymore. Massage it with an ice cube. After that, lay a cold, wet chamomile tea bag on it, and that should take away some of the redness and swelling.

Here are some all natural tips to treating it:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Make sure none of your personal %26amp; beauty products contain these toxins:

Hope this helps! Good Luck!!!

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