Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I've a massive tender/ sore red pimple with no head right on my jawline, what can I do to get rid of it hurts!?

When you have pimples/acne/cysts on your jawline it%26#039;s often because your telephone is full of bacteria from your mouth or hands right where you clutch it to your face and speak into it. Wipe that part of the phone clean occasionally with baby wipes or just tissue. I figured this out when I got cysts like you describe up the side my face and in front of my ear after using a public telephone. As for what you have now, do not touch it or let anything else touch it and it will go away in a few days.|||freeze it. then add a lil honey on it. this will reduce swelling, redness, and pain. and the honey will speed up healing and help this not spread.

drink tons of water.

use a salicylic acid spot treatment during the day, and a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment overnight.

good luckerz, these should work and that suker gone in a day or 2!!!=]|||Take a hot compress to it and wash with an acne wash, toner and apply acne cream.

Try to dry it up- or bring it to a head or dry it up. The above can accomplish that.|||A little hydrocortisone cream and warm/hot compresses several times a day.|||Apply hot water with cotten wool on a large spoon every hour.

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