Saturday, December 26, 2009

I have a larger than normal zit/pimple underneath my chin?

I can feel it, but I don%26#039;t want to pop it because I heard popping them causes more to come back.

How do I ensure that this one goes away and how shall I prevent them in the future?|||wash it very good with acne soap. then put on some acne cream, Bensyel Proxide 10% it is in many of the creams and is strong enough to dry out at pimple in a few days. then keep your face, neck and around your hair and ears, very clean.

then watch you eat, candy, chocolates soda, greasy foods, can make the acne explode.|||Dude just pop it. This white stuff will oooze out but that is good it means its working. You should be fine. Zits dont come in schools like fish.|||I had a boil once and went to the health food store.They sold me a little jar of stuff called black.You put it on the boil or zit at night and cover it with a bandaid.In the morning remove the bandaid and wash like normal.Do this until it goes away,probably 1 to 3 nights.Black draws out the infection,it smells like tar.It worked for me and my husband when he got a zit under his nose that hurt really bad.The Black costs about $10.00.

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