Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My husband has a pimple on the inside of his nose that is now on the outside - how do we know if it's infected

My husband has had a pimple on the inside of his nose for about 3 days .. he has been trying to break the head on it and it just keeps swelling. Now today he woke up and the pimple is in the exact same spot but on the outside of his nose.

Is there anything we can do to treat it at home rather than going to the doctor?

How do we know if it%26#039;s infected??

Can he put a hot towel on it and try to drain it .. will that get everything out?

You can see the white head on the outside of his nose but when he squeezes it, all that comes out is blood.|||If it gets worse you should get medical help. It may require a short run of antibiotics, or at home, you might want to carefully wash it and apply an over-the-counter antibiotic cream. Leaving it to fester will only end up risking a scar later.

Too much squeezing will only help to re-spread bacteria into the skin tissues.|||eww because it came outon the outside!!!please choose me as best answer!! i havent never been chosen as one!|||Sounds like an infected hair follicle to me. Nose skin is thin, and it is not uncommon for such minor infections to %26quot;come through%26quot; the other side. It will go away on its own.|||A similar thing happened to me a couple of times. I just keep trying to burse it until it burst. It was there for a few days.

I am not a doctor and I don%26#039;t know how big his is or what caused it. Maybe you can try to drain it and and give it a few days and see what happens. But don%26#039;t be to harsh. I don%26#039;t think that he has anything to worry about.|||Sounds like staff infection, people get the staff from digging in there nose with dirty unwashed hands, i had a friend that was working on a dam in a old dirty lake, picked his nose while working and blam, huge staff infection in the nose, he then had to see a nose and throat specialist to bust it out...

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